Saturday, October 27, 2007

IROS 2007 Workshop on Robot and Intelligent System Performance Evaluation

If you dared or are daring to reach San Diego for IROS 2007, don' t miss the workshop on
'Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking for Intelligent Robots and Systems' organized by Angel P. del Pobil, Raj Madhavan and Elena Messina. (Executive 4 room, November 2).
(By the way the situation in San Diego, at least in the city, looks quite normal, and well under control, although there have been big damages in the area due to fire blazes, as you know)
Among other very interesting presentations you will get an update about the EURON Good Experimental Methodology and Benchmarking Sig, and some preliminary thoughts on the matter, and have an opportunity to discuss these topics.
See you in San Diego.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Heron Robots coordinates Euron GEM SIG

Heron Robots coordinates Euron Good Experimental Methodology Special Interest Group. If robotics aims to be serious science replication of experiments deserves serious attention, on the other end trustable benchmarks are needed in order to allow the comparison of the many research results in service robotics research end enable their industrial application. Some 80/90 members of Euron are backing the initiative.

Heron Robots also cooperates to the RoSta expert group on benchmarking. RoSta is an EU funded initiative to develop standards in service robotics.

If you want to know more, check here

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

HeronRobots go to SecondLife

With the new year new offices for Heron: we have created a small spot (heron spot) with a few meeting areas for us and our friends in SecondLife ( here you can find a travel guide to this virtual world :-) ).
You will see that the architecture of our offices is sligthly unusual, we have been influenced by the DeChirico exhibition in Padova (don' t miss it if you can).
As Rodica Buzescu, chief architect on the Wired SecondLife offices project, says, "The beauty of Second Life is that it allows you to embody an idea in the form of architecture in a way you never could in real life."
(in the meantime we have opened a small office in Val Polcevera the once (more:-) ) polluted area of Genova)

Click the link, just in case you want to teleport to us :-)